Community Infrastructure Levy

Submission and examination of the Bassetlaw Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

Draft Charging Schedule – Regulation 19

The council submitted the Bassetlaw Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Draft Charging Schedule to the Planning Inspectorate on 18 July 2022, in accordance with Regulation 19 of the Community Infrastructure Levy regulations 2010 (as amended).

A Statement of Modifications to the Draft Charging Schedule and associated CIL documents were also submitted for examination. Copies of the proposed modifications were sent to each of the persons invited to make representations on the Draft Charging Schedule.

A public notice, containing information on where the submission documents can be viewed, can be found below:

The Examiner

The Secretary of State appointed Anne Jordan BA(Hons) MRTPI to undertake the independent examination into whether the Bassetlaw Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule is sound and complies with all the legal requirements. The criteria for soundness were whether the Schedule’s policies are positively prepared, justified, effective and consistent with national policy.

The timetable for the examination was determined by the examiner and can be viewed within the ‘News on the Local Plan and CIL Examination’ page.

Programme Officer

Carmel Edwards was appointed as the Programme Officer for the examination. She was independent of the council and reported directly to the examiner. Ms Edwards was responsible for all procedural and administrative matters relating to the examination.

Now that the examination has closed, all correspondence or queries relating to the examination should be directed

Hearing Sessions

The hearings took place on Thursday 7th September 2023 virtually via Teams.


Bassetlaw District Council consulted upon the Bassetlaw Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule in August 2021, between 2 September 2021 and 21 October 2021 as well as January 2020, between 15 January and 26 February 2020.

Representations received during these consultations were sent to the Inspector as part of the evidence base for submission and can be viewed below:

  • Copies of representations made under Regulation 19 August 2021 - Number order (Reference number CIL-002) (July 2022)
  • Schedule of Representations August 2021 – Charging schedule order(Reference number CIL-003) (July 2022)
  • Schedule of Representations made under Regulation 16 January 2020 –Charging schedule order(Reference number CIL-005) (November 2020)

Examination Library

The Examination Library below contains a list of documents submitted for examination and background documents that have informed the production of the Draft Charging Schedule.

CIL Examination documents from the Inspectors

CIL-INS-01 -Bassetlaw District Council Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Draft Charging Schedule Examination - Initial Questions for the Council

CIL-INS-02 -Bassetlaw District Council Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule Examination - Briefing Notes

CIL-INS-03 - Bassetlaw District Council Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule Examination - Matters, Issues and Questions

CIL Examination documents from the Council

CIL BDC-01 - Bassetlaw District Council response to the Examiner Initial Questions 20.7.23

CIL BDC-01a – Bassetlaw Infrastructure Funding Statement 2021-2022

CIL BDC-01b – Bassetlaw Infrastructure Delivery Plan 2023

CIL BDC-01c – CVS Residential and non-residential typology appraisals

CIL BDC-01d – CVS Strategic site appraisals

CIL BDC-02 – Bassetlaw District Council letter response to Examiner Initial Questions 20.7.23

CIL BDC-03 – Response to statement of modifications consultation

CIL BDC-04 -Bassetlaw District Council Response to Examiner's MIQs

CIL BDC-05 - Medium Size Food Retail Unit Alternative Appraisal

CIL BDC-05a - Explanatory note

CIL BDC-06 - Action 1 Modified text CIL Charging Schedule paragraph 3.5

CIL BDC-07 - Actions 2 and 3 Breakdowns of professional fees

CIL BDC-07a - Mansfield DC Commercial Viability Appraisal 2019

CIL BDC-07b - Mansfield DC Residential Viability Assessment 2019

CIL BDC-07c - Rushcliffe Residential Typology Viability Assessment 2019

CIL BDC-08 - Action 4 Vesuvius site S106/S278 agreement details

CIL BDC-08a - Former Vesuvius site S278 Agreement

CIL BDC-09 - Action 6 Finance cost calculation and transactional evidence for food retail

CIL BDC-09a - Examples of transactional evidence

CIL BDC-09b - Valuation calculator output

CIL BDC-10 - Action 7 Lidl site ratios explanatory note

CIL BDC-10a - Lidl site areas examples

CIL BDC-11 - Action 8 BCIS build cost extract for supermarket buildings

CIL BDC-12 - Action 9 Local Plan Transport Mitigation Proportional Costs

CIL Examination documents from participants

CIL Hearing Documents

OTH 001 - Cushman and Wakefield Response

OTH 002 - Nottinghamshire County Council Response

OTH 003 - Cushman & Wakefield response – Lidl site areas

Submitted Documents

PUB-005 -Infrastructure Funding Statement

PUB-008 -Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)- Draft Charging Schedule

PUB-009 -Bassetlaw Infrastructure Delivery Plan, August 2021

PUB-010 -Bassetlaw Whole Plan & Community Infrastructure Levy Viability Assessment, August 2021

PUB-014 -Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)- Equality Impact Assessment (EIA)

BG-020 -Bassetlaw Whole Plan & CIL Viability Assessment, October 2019

BG-038 -Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) - Draft Charging Schedule, January 2020

CIL-001 -Statement of Consultation, July 2022

CIL-002 -Copies of representations made under Regulation 19 August 2021, July 2022

CIL-003 -Schedule of Representations August 2021 – Charging schedule order, July 2022

CIL-004 -Statement of Modifications, July 2022

CIL-005 -Schedule of Representations made under Regulation 16 January 2020 –Charging schedule order, November 2020

Examination News

Keep up to date with the latest examination news. This will be regularly updated and direct you to any new documents or correspondence.

Data Protection Privacy Notice

Bassetlaw District Council's Privacy Notice tells you what to expect when we collect personal information and your rights in relation to that information.

Representations received were sent to the Planning Inspector. The Planning Inspectorate Privacy Notice provides advice about how the Planning Inspectorate will process any personal information. It is very important that you read and consider these notices carefully because they explain how your personal information will be used and stored.

Examination Process or Useful Links

If you wish to find out in more about how the examination was carried out, please see the government page on Community Infrastructure Levy Plan Examinations which gives guidance on Community Infrastructure Levy Plan Examinations and the role the Planning Inspectorate plays.

Last Updated on Thursday, October 3, 2024