Our waste and recycling A-Z explains which items can go in your green and blue bins.
To reveal the items, simply select a letter they begin with.
Bathroom Suites

How To Dispose:
Details and restrictions:
If your bathroom is installed by a builder they are legally responsible for disposing of the old bathroom suite and the cost of this disposal should be included in the price of the work. If you install a new bathroom yourself then you can take your old bathroom suite to one of the Household Waste Recycling Centre at Retford or Worksop.

How To Dispose:
Most supermarkets now recycle domestic batteries. Alternatively these can be taken to the Retford or Worksop Household Waste Recycling Centre for disposal. Car batteries can also be taken to the Household Waste Recycling Sites in Worksop or Retford.
Details and restrictions:
Please do not place them in the bin as they have been known to cause fires in our compactor freighters.
Bedding and Blankets

How To Dispose:
Charity Shops are often grateful of donations of clean items such as sheets and blankets. Clean sheets can also be placed in textile recycling banks inside a plastic bag.
Details and restrictions:
No restrictions at the Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRC). Charity Shops may not always take duvets and pillows.
Beverage Cartons

How To Dispose:
These can be recycled at New Street, Retford, Scrooby Road, Harworth or Prospect Precinct, Worksop, otherwise place this item in your green bin.
Details and restrictions:

How To Dispose:
Local charities may be interested in bicycles which are in good condition, otherwise these can be disposed of at Retford or Worksop Household Waste Recycling Centres.
Details and restrictions:

How To Dispose:
Retford or Worksop Household Waste Recycling Centre, or take to a scrap metal dealer who may pay you a small fee for it.
Details and restrictions:
If your boiler has been removed by a builder or tradespeople they are legally responsible for disposing of it, and the cost of this should be included within the price of the works.

How To Dispose:
Recycling Sites that have book recycling banks or Retford / Worksop Household Waste Recycling Centre - hand them to a member of staff
Details and restrictions:
You could donate unwanted books that are in good condition to libraries, charity shops or second hand bookshops. Second hand books for children can be given to local playgroups or schools. You can also use a book recycling bank is you have one in your area.
Building Materials / Bricks

How To Dispose:
Retford or Worksop Household Waste Recycling Centres but see restrictions.
Details and restrictions:
Skips are provided at the Household Waste Recycling Centre to recycle small amounts of this waste from DIY works undertaken in your home by you. For large loads of this kind of waste, you should make your own arrangements for disposal via a private contractor.