The Canch park - Involving the community

Community Involvement

Bassetlaw District Council encourages community involvement within The Canch and our Parks and Open Spaces Team stage a variety of activities throughout the year from bulb planting and litter picking to assisting with events in the park. If you are an individual or group interested in volunteering then please see our information sheet contained on this webpage. 

Purple Crocus for End Polio Now

We have continued our work with the Worksop Rotary Club to plant a further 5,000 purple crocus bulbs in the borders adjacent to the Aurora Centre.

The purple crocus is a symbol of Rotary’s worldwide campaign to eradicate polio, with its colour representing the purple dye used to mark the finger of a child to indicate they have received their life saving oral polio vaccine.

Purple Crocus Planting - Rotary Club

Sprucing up the borders

Our Parks Team had some help in adding colour and interest to the Priory entrance section of the park. 

Thank you to the Muddy Fork and the Rotary Club of Worksop for your help in planting the new shrubs and herbaceous plants to the borders.  

Muddy Fork Planting

Wildlife/Educational Zone Planting 

A number of planting initiatives have taken place in the park involving local school children with partner organisations and groups. 

New and existing habitat areas have been created and improved for wildlife to benefit.  Some of these initiatives have seen the planting of native hedgerow and woodland plants in certain areas of the park, which also involved an educational element with the identification of plants and wildlife.

Various bird nesting and bat boxes have also been installed around the park.  Grant funding was awarded by the Environment Agency through Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust to improve wildlife habitats, alongside the River Ryton, which runs directly through the park and beyond.  This work included the installation of pre-planted coir rolls of native water marginal plants alongside the banks of the River Ryton within The Canch and also some tree planting on the adjacent Jubilee Field, (previously known as Bracebridge Field), to the park.



Last Updated on Wednesday, July 10, 2024