Pre-Application Advice - Planning Performance Agreement Charter

A Planning Performance Agreement (PPA) is a framework in which parties come together to agree how they are going to take a development proposal through the planning process. PPAs are voluntary agreements whose purpose is to deliver high quality sustainable development that is based on a clear vision and development objectives, to an agreed project plan and work programme in a constructive, collaborative and open manner. 

Paragraph 46 of the revised NPPF (2018) advises that applicants and local planning authorities should consider the potential for voluntary planning performance agreements where this might achieve a faster and more effective application process. Planning performance agreements are likely to be needed for applications that are particularly large or complex to determine.

All parties involved in a PPA with Bassetlaw District Council are expected to adhere to the Planning Performance Agreement Charter 2018. 

Large scale major and complex Major applications, applications for a programme of ongoing works where particular complexities arise and the development of a Supplementary

Planning Document or Masterplan prior to pre-application discussions may all be suitable for PPAs. 



Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024