Pre-Application Advice - How do I access pre-application advice

How do I access pre-application advice?

Prospective applicants seeking pre-application advice are required to complete a Request for Pre-application Advice form.  Paper copies are also available at our reception at Queen’s Buildings, Worksop. Completed paper forms can either be sent to the Planning Department through the post or emailed directly to

This form sets out the information that is expected from service users in order for the request to be valid (in addition to the correct fee). It includes as a minimum:

  • your name, address and contact details;
  • a site plan (at 1:1250 scale); 
  • details of your proposals for the site; and
  • Use Class details.

If not completing the online form you will also need to include the correct fee. This can be paid by cheque (made payable to Bassetlaw District Council) or you can contact Planning Services on 01909 534430 and pay by debit or credit card. 

Advice from Historic England

Where a planning or listed building consent application is notifiable to Historic England, applicants are advised to contact Historic England through their Enhanced Advisory Service

Notifiable applications include: 

  • For development that would affect the setting of a Grade I or Grade II* listed building.

  • For development involving the demolition, in whole or part, or the material alteration of Grade I or II* listed buildings.

  • For development that would affect the character and appearance of a conservation area where the development involves the erection of a new building or the extension of an existing building, and the area of land in respect of which the application is made is more than 1,000 square metres.

  • For development likely to affect the site of a scheduled monument.

  • For development likely to affect a registered battlefield or a grade I or II* park or garden on Historic England’s Register of Historic Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England.

  • For works in respect of a Grade I or II* listed building (Listed Building Consent).



Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024