Affordable housing supplementary planning document - Affordable housing SPD explained

The Updated Affordable Housing SPD was approved for adoption as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) on 10th January 2014. This Update replaces the SPD that came into effect on 1 August 2012 and forms part of the Bassetlaw Local Development Framework.

The Document has been produced to expand upon policy set out in the Core Strategy (adopted by the Council in December 2011) in relation to affordable housing. In particular it addresses issues of affordable housing mix and type; viability; commuted sums; rural exceptions; management; design; and S106 agreements.

It is essential that applicants discuss the issue of affordable housing with the District Council well in advance of an application being submitted to ensure that these issues are being properly addressed and that the most appropriate provision is being made.

To support this Affordable housing SPD, the Frequently Asked Questions guidance note is being updated and will be made available shortly.

These FAQs seek to answer some of the common questions about when the affordable housing policies apply and how to calculate what the affordable housing target should be. The FAQ also provides guidance on considering Affordable Housing Viability Assessments in support of planning applications seeking to reduce their affordable housing contribution based on the viability of their development.

An Affordable Housing Viability Assessment template is also available. This can be used by any applicant to help support their application if they are seeking to reduce the affordable housing contribution on their residential development application.

An Affordable Housing Discretionary Relief Form is also available. This form should be used by an applicant to support their application if they are seeking discretionary relief from providing a commuted sum payment in line with the protocol set in the Adopted Affordable Housing SPD.



Last Updated on Monday, September 30, 2024