Non designated heritage assets

This page sets out the Council’s approach to identifying the District’s heritage assets which are not designated. Also provided is the list of non-designated heritage assets (buildings and structures) identified by the Council, set out in a database which is continually monitored and updated by the Conservation Team.  

The Council’s own policies on heritage conservation, contained within Strategic Objective S09 and Policy DM8 of the Bassetlaw Core Strategy and Development Management Policies DPD, emphasise the importance of preserving and enhancing the district’s heritage assets, both designated and non-designated. Government guidance (contained in the National Planning Policy Framework) also makes it clear that the effect of a proposal on the significance of a non-designated heritage asset should be taken into account when determining applications (paragraph 135). The criteria document below sets out the process through which the District Planning Authority has identified non-designated heritage assets and will continue to do so in the future, via a set of criteria consistent with Government policy and associated guidance from Historic England.

Using the above criteria document, the Council has produced a database of buildings and structures throughout the District which are considered to comply with the criteria for identification. These are set out in the spreadsheet below and their locations can be found on our ‘Bassetlaw Heritage Mapping’ web page.

With regard to historic landscapes which are not on the national register, the Council has surveyed the District’s ‘Unregistered Parks & Gardens’ (in part using those sites already identified on Nottinghamshire County Council’s Historic Environment Record) and has put together statements of significance for each of the 56 sites identified, together with an overview of the identification and survey methods used. The results of this are available on our ‘Unregistered Parks & Gardens’ web page (contact the Conservation Team on 01909 533484 for further details on this project.

Article 4(1) Directions affecting non-designated heritage assets in Bassetlaw

In many cases, the demolition or other alteration of a non-designated heritage asset does not require Planning Permission, so is outside the Council’s control. This can lead to serious or total harm to the significance of such a heritage asset. An Article 4(1) Direction can be used to remove those permitted development rights, the result of which means that Planning Permission is then required for the types of works specified. There are currently two Article 4(1) Directions affecting non-designated heritage assets in Bassetlaw District. These are detailed below:

Last Updated on Thursday, September 26, 2024