Premises licence reviews - What will happen following the consultation period?

What will happen following the consultation period?

The Licensing Department will consider the review application, and any relevant representations that have been made, at a licensing panel hearing. This will be held within 20 working days of the end of the 28-day consultation period. Where the Licensing Department considers that actions under its statutory powers is necessary it may take any of the following steps:

  • modify the conditions of the premises licence (which includes adding new conditions or any alteration or omission of an existing condition), for example, by reducing the hours of opening or by requiring door supervisors at particular times
  • exclude a licensable activity from the scope of the licence, for example, to exclude the performance of live music or playing of recorded music
  • remove the designated premises' supervisor, for example, because they consider that the problems are the result of poor management
  • suspend the licence for a period not exceeding three months
  • revoke the licence

Any remedial action taken will be directed at addressing the concerns to which the representations relate and the promotion of the licensing objectives. Modifications of conditions and exclusions of licensable activities may be imposed either permanently or for a temporary period of up to three months.

The applicant, the licence holder and anyone who has made a relevant representation will be sent a letter advising them of the date of the review hearing and inviting them to attend.



Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024