Tree surveys and landscaping assessments - What is a tree survey

A Tree Survey is expected to include the following information:-

  • A schedule of the trees that are currently present on a development site detailing species, trunk diameters, branch spread in metres, tree heights in metres, tree condition, tree defects, Root Protection Areas (the minimum area that should be left undisturbed around each tree that is to be retained);
  • An accurately detailed and scaled Tree Constraints Plan showing tree positions, actual branch spread, Root Protection Areas, current and ultimate tree heights with shadow patterns to identify unreasonable obstruction of sunlight or daylight;
  • Photographs of the trees;
  • Pre-development Tree Works Schedule;
  • Tree Protection Measures scheme to include a Tree Protection Plan showing trees to be retained, trees to be removed, precise location and specification of physical barriers/fences, ground protection measures.

Other issues that may need to be addressed in the Tree Survey are the effects of retained and planted trees on future occupiers that may lead to short and longer term pressure for excessive pruning work or tree removal, in particular:-

  • Future shading and obstruction of sunlight;
  • Adequate space for trees to mature and avoid dominating of buildings or gardens;
  • Potential effects of leaf fall, honeydew, flowers etc.

A Tree Survey should be prepared by a suitably qualified and experienced Arboriculturalist.



Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024