Local Plan moves to final consultation stage following Planning Inspectors Modifications

Local Plan moves to final consultation stage following Planning Inspectors Modifications

Bassetlaw’s Local Plan has reached the final stage of consultation after the independent Planning Inspectors issued their findings, following the conclusion of the public hearings in January this year.

These findings are known as Main Modifications and are a series of amendments that the Planning Inspectors think are necessary to make the Local Plan ‘sound’ and legally compliant. These include:

  • A slight reduction in the amount of new housing needed each year from 10,476 to 9,720 dwellings to reflect new evidence relating to job growth
  • A new strategic policy focusing on large brownfield sites in the countryside
  • A clearer framework for infill development within rural settlements and to clarify the approach to housing growth in the countryside

The Council is consulting on the Main Modifications over the next six weeks, with the consultation period running from 11 August to 22 September. The full list of Main Modifications and a consultation response form is available online via: https://www.bassetlaw.gov.uk/main-modifications. All of the consultation materials will also be available to view at the Council Offices in Retford and Worksop and at local libraries.

The Local Plan will then be prepared for adoption, implementing the recommendations set out in the Inspectors Report. The Council will then need to take a decision on whether to adopt the Local Plan.

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 29, 2024