Bassetlaw District Council partners with Bassetlaw Place Based Partnership to share summer safety messages

Bassetlaw District Council partners with Bassetlaw Place Based Partnership to share summer safety messages

Bassetlaw District Council and the Bassetlaw Place Based Partnership (BPBP) are reminding residents about being safe around the water and taking care in the sun for the remainder of the summer.

Many of Bassetlaw’s parks and open spaces have open bodies of water such as lakes, rivers, pond and streams and both the Council and BPBP are discouraging people from swimming in open water, and reminding residents of the associated risks.

Cllr Darrel Pulk, Cabinet Member for Environment and Energy said:

“During the summer, when the weather is hot and people may be tempted to swim in lakes, ponds, rivers or streams to cool off, it’s especially important that people know how to stay safe around water.

“We know that 75% of fatal drownings in the UK occur at inland water sites. These waters are also unsupervised, can contain waterborne diseases and entering them can result in cold water shock which all pose a risk to life.

“We encourage anyone out and about enjoying our beautiful district to stay away from water banks and learn the basic water safety skills.”

To increase water safety in the district, two water safety points have been installed by the lake in Langold Country Park which contain information on what to do if someone has fallen into the lake and needs assistance. Both points contain an emergency throw line that can accessed by calling 999.

As well as water safety, the Council and BPBP are increasing awareness of sun safety by highlighting all of the ways that people can keep themselves protected in the sun and why sun protection is important.

Cllr Lynne Schuller, Cabinet Member for Health and Well-being said:

“Being outside and enjoying outdoor activities is really good for both our physical and mental health. 

“To enjoy the sun and outdoors in a safe way you should always protect your skin, use sun screen, cover up with clothing or seek shade. We all know that we don't always get long sunny days in England and so it’s important to plan sun safety ahead of time when out during the summer, so we are not taken by surprise if the weather improves.”

Water and sun safety is especially important during the summer, but the information is relevant all year round. As such, the Council and BPBP encourage people to share these messages with their friends and family to make sure as many people as possible can stay safe in our district. 

Helen Azar, Place Programme Manager at Bassetlaw Place Based Partnership said:

“These partnership initiatives will support to prevent ill health and save lives across Bassetlaw.

“We know that too much exposure to sun significantly increases the risk of skin cancer which is why the simple sun safety guide we have developed is so important to follow when spending time outdoors this summer.

“The installation of water safety points and spreading messages focused on education and water safety in public spaces are equally important for our communities this summer as 46% of accidental drownings occur over the summer period.

“The 2023 National Child Mortality Database Report highlights that children and young people are at greater risk of drowning in open water. It is in response to this report that BDC and wider Bassetlaw Place Based Partners have developed this important water safety information.”

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024