Land charges and street naming

What are land charges?

Information about official land charge searches, why you would need one and the fees involved.

Make a land and property enquiry

Make an enquiry regarding street naming and numbering or land charges

Street naming and numbering explained

Information about street naming and numbering within Bassetlaw.

Street naming who we notify

Who we notify when a street name change has occurred in Bassetlaw

Report a street nameplate

Report an illegible or damaged street nameplate

Areas which fall within Bassetlaw District Council

Areas that would require a search if you were buying, selling, leasing or re-mortgaging a property

Request an Official Search of an Address

Request an official search to be made on an address in Bassetlaw

Con29 Search Fees

Current official search fees for land charges at Bassetlaw

Request to change a property name

Add a name to your address or change your property name using this on-line facility

Useful contacts

Useful contact information regarding street naming and numbering

Local Land Charges Service

We no longer provide a local land charges search service.