Street naming and numbering explained


Street naming and numbering explained

Bassetlaw District Council administer Street Naming & Numbering within Bassetlaw, which is a statutory function. The relevant powers for local authorities are contained in Sections 64 and 65 of the Towns Improvement Clauses Act 1847. These impose a duty on the Local Authority to maintain a good standard of street nameplates, naming and numbering schemes and to improve standards where necessary.

The purpose of this is to ensure that any new street names, building names and numbers are allocated sensibly with a view to ensuring the effective delivery of services (for example, mail deliveries) and to avoid possible delays by the Emergency Services.

New street names – Whose responsibility is it?

The responsibility for naming of new streets lies with the developer. If the developer/builder has no naming proposals the relevant Ward Councillors, Parish Councils will be invited to assist in proposing suitable street names.

All street naming proposals are sent to Royal Mail, Parish Councils, emergency services and other bodies, for consideration. A consultation period of two weeks is provided in order to obtain comments or objections to the proposed scheme. If the proposals comply with Council policy and do not meet with any objections, the new address will be formally allocated and all relevant internal services and external bodies will be notified so that they can update their records.

Updating details

Can I add a name to my address?

If you would like to add a name to your address (please note, you cannot substitute a name for a number) you may do so. You must inform us of the proposed name, to ensure that the new name doesn’t duplicate an existing name, or cause offence. This will also help us to maintain accurate records. 

Once the name has been accepted, we will inform relevant internal services (including Council Tax, Electoral Registration) and external organisations so that they can update their records.

Can I change my existing property name?

If you want to change an existing house name you may do so. You must inform us of the proposed change and ensure that the new name doesn’t duplicate an existing name or cause offence. This will also help us in maintaining accurate records.

Once accepted, we will inform relevant internal services (including Council Tax, Electoral Registration) and external organisations so that they can update their records.

Can you provide me with postcode information?

We are not responsible for the issuing and maintenance of postcodes; information relating to your postcode can be obtained direct from Royal Mail. However, Royal Mail will not issue a postcode for a new street or property until requested to do so by the Council.

Are you experiencing problems obtaining services

If you have recently moved, changed the name of your property or are using an incorrect postcode, you may experience problems with delivery companies, utility services, credit and other services.

If you have a street number, the postcode may not have been made “live” by Royal Mail’s Address Development Centre. We can contact Royal Mail on your behalf and arrange for the postcode to be “released”.

If you have added a house name to your address, did you notify the Council? From our records we can confirm whether a scheme has been created to add or change the name of your property. If we have not carried out a scheme you can forward details to the Council, confirming a previous name and the current name you use.

Does your postcode not match your address details? Royal Mail can confirm the postcode allocated to your property.

Street name plates

Street Name Plates – Who provide them on new developments?

When roads are constructed as part of a new development, the provision of street signs is the responsibility of the developer. Bassetlaw District Council will take over responsibility of maintaining the plates once the County Council has adopted the street.

Street Name Plates – Maintenance, Repair and Replacement

Bassetlaw District Council is also responsible for the day-to-day maintenance, repair and replacement of street nameplates. Should you wish to report an ineligible or damaged street plate please provide the following information:

  • Location/name of street plate
  • Parish or town in which the street is located
  • Name and contact details
  • Nature of the damage to the plate

The Council has a duty to prioritise street nameplates requiring attention. Missing street signs will take precedence over damaged plates. Please note reports will be prioritised in the following way:

  • Priority 1: Missing name plate causing possible risk to life safety.
  • Priority 2: Missing, but no complaints from emergency services.
  • Priority 3: All other repairs/replacements (damaged frame, graffiti, etc).

Charges for street naming and numbering

Since 1st January 2014 in line with other Councils, Bassetlaw District Council has decided to implement charges for the discretionary naming and numbering services it provides.

Discretionary services are those services that an authority has the power but not the duty to provide, as provided for under Section 93 of the Local Government Act 2003. Charges cover services such as the administrative function of the service, working with Royal Mail, notifying Utilities and other bodies, and for registering non-statutory parts of the address such as property name.  The fees are based on cost recovery figures.

Naming and Numbering charges will be made for the following services:

  • Numbering new residential or commercial premises
  • Naming or numbering a new property
  • Renaming or renumbering an existing property/building
  • Enquiries from Solicitors and Building Societies

Charges will also be made for changing a street name unless there is an overriding public interest for the name change.

Applicants must apply in writing by completing the relevant form, together with the correct fee. All applications must be accompanied by a location plan. For new developments a site plan showing the road layout and plot numbers is also required. For developments that include flats, internal layout plans are required as well.

Address changes carried out without contacting the Council’s Street Naming & Numbering unit will not be formally registered with Royal Mail, utilities and other bodies if the relevant fee is not submitted. If an existing property is unregistered, an additional charge may be made for retrospectively registering an address. The Council has no obligation to register the address in the form hitherto used, and may register it in a different form if more appropriate or necessary to fit national standards.



Fee 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025

Residential New Developments

Adding a street name plate and fitting


Residential New Developments

Adding a street name plate frame and fitting


Residential New Developments

Adding a T plate (no through road)


Residential New Developments

Relocate a street name plate


Adding or amending a name or re-numbering an existing individual property, including notification to external organisations


Amendment to approved/existing naming and numbering scheme due to change in plot numbers, or plot positions, including notification

£107 admin fee

Fee per plot requiring renumbering / naming £37

Amendment to approved naming and numbering scheme due to change in approved street name (after consultation)

£107 admin fee

Fee per property for up to 10 properties £37

Fee per property for every additional property thereafter £36

Rename or numbering of street where requested by Parish Council and/or residents including notification

£107 admin fee

Fee per property for up to 10 properties £37

Fee per property for every additional property thereafter £14

New naming and numbering of streets, including the notifications

Admin fee


New naming and numbering of streets, including the notifications

Fee per property for up to 10 properties


New naming and numbering of streets, including the notifications

Fee per property for every additional property thereafter


New naming and numbering of streets, including the notifications

Fee for delivery of street name plates


 * Includes the naming of a building and all affected properties (e.g. block of flats)

Last Updated on Monday, January 27, 2025

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