- Financial Statements, Budgets and Variance Reports - The Council’s Statement of Accounts.
- Capital Programme - Budget Report, including the Capital Programme, and Asset Management Plan.
- Spending Reviews - The Council’s Statement of Accounts and Committee Reports.
- Financial Audit Reports - For example within District Audit Reports, Annual Governance Reports and Best Value Reports.
- The Members' Allowances Scheme and the Allowances paid under it to Councillors each year - For example the allowances members are entitled to claim, and the amount members receive in expenses.
- Staff Allowances and Expenses - Mileage, accommodation, subsistence rates that can be claimed by staff.
- Pay and Grading Structure - Salary bands for all grades, including senior and chief officer grades.
- Procurement Procedures - Procurement standing orders and guidance.
- Details of Contracts Currently Being Tendered - Contracts currently available for public tender.
- List of Contracts Awarded and their value - Contracts awarded under the Public Contract Regulations 2006 as published in The Official Journal of the European Union.
- District Auditor’s Reports - For example within District Audit Reports, Annual Governance Reports and Best Value Reports.
- Financial Statements for Projects and Events - The Council’s Statement of Accounts.
- Internal Financial Regulations - Financial Regulations under the Council’s Standing Orders, as contained in the Council Constitution.
- Funding for Partnership Arrangements - Details of partnership funding for example The Children's Fund was launched as part of the government's commitment to tackle disadvantage among children and young people.
Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024