Misson Neighbourhood Plan


The original Misson Neighbourhood Plan was formally 'made' by Bassetlaw District Council following the Referendum held on 7 September 2017. The Neighbourhood Plan forms part of the statutory Local Development Plan for Bassetlaw and should be used when either applying for planning permission or determining planning applications within the Neighbourhood Plan Area. Work to review the Neighbourhood Plan commenced in 2021, as detailed below. 


Stage Original Neighbourhood Plan 1st Review
Neighbourhood Area Designated 20 March 2015  N/A
Pre-Submission Draft Plan Published 15 July 2016  2 October 2023
Draft Plan Published 20 December 2016 15 April 2024
Examiner's Report Approved 4 May 2017  
Referendum 7 September 2017  


Development Stages and Supporting Documents

Neighbourhood plans progress through various stages between designation and adoption. The progress of the Misson Neighbourhood Plan, and all supporting documents, is detailed below, with the most recent stage addressed first. 

Some documents within our Neighbourhood Plan pages are produced externally. These may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. Request an accessible format.


Review - Independent Examination (May 2024 onwards)

Independent examination of the Submission Draft Neighbourhood Plan commenced in May 2024. Updates on the progress of the examination will be published here as they become available. 

Review - Submission Draft (April  - May 2024)

Review - Pre-Submission Draft (Autumn 2023)

Original Neighbourhood Plan - September 2017

Designation stage (2015)

Last Updated on Thursday, July 18, 2024