Bassetlaw heritage mapping

The ‘Bassetlaw Heritage Mapping’ provides geographic information on the District’s built heritage. The map facility shows all the District’s designated heritage assets (i.e. Listed Buildings, Conservation Areas, Scheduled Ancient Monuments and Registered Parks & Gardens), together with its non-designated heritage assets (i.e. local interest buildings and unregistered parks & gardens). In addition, the mapping contains the Ordnance Survey maps from 1886, 1898-1899 and 1918-1921 and also shows the District’s Tree Preservation Orders. You can add or remove layers from the map by simply clicking on the tabs immediately adjacent to the layer names. Clicking on individual assets on the map will bring up basic information on that asset.

Access the map full screen.



Please note that for further information on sites of archaeological interest, you should consult the Historic Environment Record (external link) held and maintained by the Conservation Team at Nottinghamshire County Council.

Listed Buildings – Please note that the map highlights only the principal listed building. Other buildings and structures within the curtilage of the principle listed building may also be regarded as listed. Should you have any further queries on curtilage listing, please visit the Listed Buildings page of the Council’s website. List descriptions are provided by Historic England and can be found on the National Heritage List for England Website (external link).

Conservation Areas – There are currently 33 Conservation Areas within Bassetlaw District. Further details on each of the District’s Conservation Areas can be found on the Conservation Areas pages of the Council’s website.

Positive buildings in Conservation Areas - The identification of ‘positive buildings’ is by no means exhaustive and the ‘list’ of sites identified may change at a later date. The absence of any building/structure on the above map does not necessarily mean that it is of no interest or that it makes no positive contribution to the character and appearance of the Conservation Area.

Non-designated heritage assets (local interest buildings) – The identification of non-designated heritage assets is in accordance with the council’s adopted criteria on the identification of such assets, entitled: Non-Designated Heritage Assets – Criteria (November 2016 update). Further details can be found on the Non-Designated Heritage Assets page of the Council’s website.

Registered Parks & Gardens – There are currently 4 Registered Parks & Gardens within Bassetlaw District. Further details can be found on the Historic Parks & Gardens page of the Council’s website.

Unregistered Parks & Gardens – These were originally identified on the Nottinghamshire County Council Historic Environment Record (external link), although have been resurveyed by Bassetlaw District Council’s Conservation Team in 2015/16. Further sites have also been added as a result of the 2015/16 survey. Further information on each site can be found on the Council’s ‘Unregistered Parks and Gardens’ web page and by clicking on the individual unregistered park & garden polygon on the map above and following the link to the related ‘statement of significance’.

Scheduled Ancient Monuments – There are currently 32 Scheduled Ancient Monuments within Bassetlaw District. Further information on these can be found on the Scheduled Ancient Monuments and List of Schedule Ancient Monuments pages of the Council’s website.

Article 4 Directions – Under The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as amended, certain types of development can be carried out without the need to apply for Planning Permission – this is called ‘permitted development’. An Article 4 Direction can be used to remove some or all of these permitted development rights. Article 4 Directions are most commonly used within Conservation Areas. There is currently one Article 4 Direction within Bassetlaw District. For further information on this Direction or on Article 4 Directions in general, please visit the Council’s Article 4 Directions page.

Tree Preservation Orders - (please note this information does not currently appear on the map for further information please contact planning services at

Disclaimer: Please note that this mapping service is not in any way a substitute for the Historic Environment Record (HER) (external link) held by Nottinghamshire County Council. The HER should always be consulted as part of development proposals affecting heritage assets.

Outdoor War Memorials

There are 38 outdoor war memorials identified in Bassetlaw District. For further information on war memorials in Bassetlaw, please visit the Council’s War Memorials in Bassetlaw page.

Last Updated on Thursday, February 6, 2025