The CIL process - Stage 7 – CIL payment

Stage 7: Payment

The levy’s charges become due from the date of commencement of a chargeable development. When planning permission is granted, the Council will issue a liability notice setting out the amount of the levy and the payment procedure. Once a Commencement Notice has been received, or development is deemed commenced, the Council will issue a Demand Notice. This will detail who is liable for payment, confirm the amount payable as well as any reliefs or surcharges and it will also specify the dates that payment is due on.


Unlike section 106 agreements, CIL is not a negotiated process. If a development is liable for CIL, payment is mandatory (unless a request for relief has been submitted to and approved by the Council). There are strong enforcement powers and penalties for failure to pay, including Stop Notices, surcharges, late payment interest and prison terms. Detailed information about the possible consequences of not following the CIL process is contained within the note below.

Important – CIL liability is held as a charge on land. If CIL is not paid you may have difficulty selling your land or property.




Last Updated on Monday, September 30, 2024