Assessment of Medical Need for Re-housing


An assessment of an applicant’s needs for re-housing on medical grounds will be delegated to Bassetlaw District Council’s Medical Panel.

The composition and operation of the Medical Panel will be in accordance with the Terms of Reference that are agreed by Bassetlaw District Council.

Terms of Reference of the Medical Panel

Assessment of medical needs for re-housing is delegated to Bassetlaw District Council’s Medical Panel. 

The Medical Panel will consist of a Senior Officer of Bassetlaw District Council and a suitably qualified medical advisor for example a General Practitioner, Registered Nurse or Occupational Therapist.

Referral to the Medical Panel 

The applicant or someone acting on their behalf can make requests for consideration by the Medical Panel. Bassetlaw District Council will supply a Self-Assessment Form that must be completed in full to allow the Medical Panel to assess the applicant’s needs for re-housing.

The information provided will be assessed to check that there are sufficient medical grounds for the request to be progressed to Medical Panel.

Medical Panel applications from applicants living outside the Bassetlaw area will not be considered.

Assessment of Medical Need for Re-housing

The Medical Panel may make an assessment of the applicant at the meeting or may defer the assessment for further reports or information that it sees fit.

The Medical Panel may also defer a decision for re-assessment after a period of time where this is appropriate to the applicant’s medical condition.

Where an applicant has deliberately or recklessly worsened their housing condition and consequently now qualifies a priority that would not previously have been given they will not be entitled to additional priority.

Where an applicant with a pre-existing medical condition has taken a Bassetlaw District Council tenancy or another Local Authority, ALMO, Registered Social Landlord or other Not For Profit Organisation property, or moved into unsuitable accommodation, they will not be entitled to any enhancement for re-housing or priority re-housing on the basis of this medical need. Where there is a subsequent significant change in medical circumstances the applicant may apply for a re-assessment by the Medical Panel.

Where the applicant has been assessed by the Medical Panel a re-assessment of the applicant will not take place unless there has been a significant change in the applicant’s circumstances.

A re-assessment will not be carried out where an applicant has previously been awarded a Band A or B status but has failed to bid or accept a suitable property and has been removed from the Band (see section 4 of the Lettings Policy).

The applicant will be informed in writing of the decision of the Medical Panel and its reasons.

Where an applicant has been awarded a Band A priority for re-housing the Medical Panel will identify the minimum standard of basic facilities required for the applicant’s re-housing needs. An Occupational Therapy assessment of a particular property may be requested to determine the suitability of a property prior to an offer being made. Where an applicant bids successfully for a property these standards will be taken into account in determining whether the property is suitable for the applicant.

Criteria for Assessment for Re-housing on Medical Grounds

The assessment will take into account:

  • the applicant’s medical needs
  • the suitability of their current accommodation for these needs
  • Any alternative arrangements or adaptations that can be made to the current property to make that property suitable for the applicant’s needs.

Persons with similar medical needs, but currently occupying different types of accommodation, may therefore be assessed as having a different need for medical re-housing.

Definitions and examples

No medical housing need - If the applicant or a dependent has a medical condition, but their current housing has no significant effect on it and re-housing would not lead to any significant improvement in their health.

For example:

  • the current property meets the applicant’s needs and can be occupied safely and with no significant effect on the medical condition of the applicant
  • the main reason for the move is social and does not relate to the suitability of the property
  • the current accommodation could easily be adapted to meet the applicant’s medical needs

Band C Qualification

If the applicant or a dependant:

  • has a medical condition that is made worse by the current housing conditions and re-housing would lead to an improvement in the medical condition or
  • is capable of living in their current accommodation but they have a medical condition that could be improved by alternative accommodation or
  • Could have their living conditions made more tolerable and the quality of life enhanced.

For example:

  • the property is only partly suitable for the applicant’s needs and they have difficulty with access to the basic facilities of the property
  • there is some difficulty with access to the property but it is suitable inside

Band B Qualification

If the applicant or a dependant:

  • Has a medical condition that makes it difficult to gain access to and use safely the basic facilities of the property including the WC and bathing facilities and there is no separate sleeping accommodation that the applicant can use.

For example:

  • the property is generally unsuitable for the applicants and they have difficulty with access to most or all of the basic facilities
  • the applicants have sleeping and living arrangements which are on different levels and they experience significant problems in using the property

Band A Qualification

If the applicant or a dependent:

  • has a medical condition that makes it impossible to gain access to and use safely the basic facilities of the property including the WC and bathing facilities and there is no separate sleeping accommodation that the applicant can use

For example:

  • the current accommodation is totally unsuitable for the applicant’s needs and they would find it impossible to live in the property
  • sleeping and living arrangements are on different levels and the applicant cannot safely move between these levels
  • there is a significant Health & Safety Risk to the person in their current property.

Assessment of basic facilities of the property

Examples of the factors used to assess the medical need for re-housing include:

  • ability of the applicants to manage stairs including use of any disability adaptations
  • location of bedrooms and ability to access them safely including use of any disability adaptations
  • location of bathroom(s) and ability of applicants to access these including use of any disability adaptations
  • ability to use existing bathing facilities safely including use of any disability adaptations
  • location of WC(s) in the property
  • ability to use the WC(s) including use of any disability adaptations
  • ability to manage access to and from the building including use of any disability adaptations
  • suitability of the heating of the dwelling

The above is a non-exhaustive list.

Allocation of Accommodation

Properties which have been adapted for the use of tenants with disabilities will in the first instance be offered to applicants with medical priority needs, Bands A5 or B8 Severe/Urgent or High Medical Need, with a requirement for a substantially adapted property.

In the absence of applicants with Band A5 Severe/Urgent or Band B8 High medical needs, the property will be allocated in priority band order.

Bassetlaw District Council will assess the adapted property for its suitability for the needs of Band A5 or B8 applicants. The assessment will be undertaken by Bassetlaw District Council with the assistance of a qualified GP, the Occupational Therapy Section of Nottinghamshire County Council and/or other agencies as appropriate.

Applicants may bid for any property that they consider suitable for their needs.  Where an applicant applies for accommodation which does not meet their access needs the property may be adapted where it is reasonable and practicable to do so in accordance with the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996.

Where there is a shortage of suitable properties which could lead to an unreasonable delay in rehousing, properties will be identified that may be suitable for adaptation for applicants with medical priority needs Bands A5 & B8.


Applicants may make a written appeal against the decision of the Medical Panel. Once such an appeal has been made the Medical Panel will review its original decision in light of the information submitted in the appeal and any other supporting evidence provided with the appeal. 

If the Medical Appeal Panel's review confirms the original decision the appellant will be informed in writing of the decision and the reasons for this.

There is no further right of appeal.

The applicant will retain their rights of review under section 9

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024