
Icons of a sofa, washing machine, bed frame and rubbish bags. Bassetlaw District Council logo. Text: Your Rubbish Your Responsibility. Always use a licensed waste carrier or you could face an unlimited fine if your rubbish is found fly-tipped. #CrimeNotToCare

Why should you report it?

Dumped waste can often be contaminated. Not only is it harmful to the environment, water course and wildlife but it encourages vermin and, in time, can corrode or become unstable and emit toxic fumes which affect health and safety.

The money spent on clearing up illegally dumped waste could be better spent on other services. If you come across any fly-tipped waste in Bassetlaw please report this to us straight away using our report fly-tipping form.

What is fly-tipping?

Fly-tipping is the illegal dumping of any type of waste on publicly owned or private land. Some examples of the types of waste dumped are:-

  • bags of household waste;
  • fridges;
  • tyres;
  • grass & hedge cuttings;
  • old fencing panels;
  • settees;
  • demolition waste;
  • mattresses

This list provides just a small selection of waste that is regularly fly tipped in the District.

Effect & costs

Dumped waste blights the local environment and poses a threat to human health, wildlife and the overall environment. It costs the Council around £100,000 a year to clear up fly tipped waste and dispose of it – a cost passed on to local taxpayers and landowners.

No excuses! It’s criminal!

Fly-tipping is a serious crime which carries an unlimited fine, up to five years in jail, seizure of vehicles – just a taster of what can happen to anyone who fly tips waste.

The combination of recycling centres for householders to deposit waste at and a bulky waste collection service offered by the Council for a small fee means there is absolutely no excuse for anyone to fly tip.

Householders are now required to check that anyone they allow to remove their waste is authorised to do so. Contact the Environment Agency on 08708 506506 and ask for a waste carriers check – it’s that easy!

Who Deals With fly-tipping?

The Council and the Environment Agency are empowered to investigate and take action against fly tippers and often work in partnership.

The Council investigate mainly multiple one off incidents of fly-tipping and are responsible for clearing waste dumped on public land. Larger scale fly-tipping involving organised gangs fall to the Environment Agency to investigate.

Your rubbish, your responsibility

Householders are required to keep household waste secure in a suitable receptacle.  Suitable recyclable waste should be placed in the blue wheeled bin, all other general household waste needs to be placed in the green wheeled bin.

If you are having a clear out, find you have an excess of waste after a celebratory period or have waste to dispose of following home improvements you have a legal duty to ensure it is dealt with responsibly.  Don’t let it end up dumped!

You have a legal obligation, ‘Duty of Care’, to make sure your waste is disposed of correctly. Fail to do so and you could face a fine.

  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions!
  • Always ask to see their “Waste Carriers Licence”.
  • If in doubt, check their details by visiting the Environment Agency Website
  • Ask for a proper invoice/receipt
  • Make a note of the vehicle registration number
  • Never accept unsolicited offers to have your waste taken away (If a ‘person with a van’ cold calls at your home offering to take your waste away)

Remember - a reputable collector will happily provide you with this information!

Last Updated on Wednesday, July 10, 2024