Useful telephone numbers


Service Telephone Number
Housing 0800 590 542
Allotments 01909 534 525
Benefits Enquiries 01909 533 710
Benefit Fraud 0800 328 6340
Blue Badge for Parking 0300 500 80 80
Building Control 01909 533 184
Bus Pass 0300 500 80 80
Business Rates 01909 533 460
Cemeteries 01909 533 487
Clinical Waste Collection 01909 534 501
Complaints 01909 533 533
Council Housing 0800 590 542
Council Tax Enquiries 01909 533 234
Council Tax 24 Hour Payment 0161 621 2990
Customer Services 01909 533 533
Debt Recovery 01909 533 465
01909 533 412
Dog Warden 01909 533 219
Elections 01909 533 252
Emergency Out of Hours Number 0800 590 542
Environmental Health, Grimebusters, Dog Fouling 01909 533 219
01777 713 764
Fly Tipping 01909 534 501
Garden Waste 01909 534 524
Hire of Town Hall 01909 534 535
Homeless Enquiries 01909 533 455
Improvement Grants 01909 533 161
Leisure Services 01909 534 523
Licensing 01909 535 123
Local Land Charges 01909 533 277
Museum 01777 713 749
Noise Nuisance 01909 533 219
Parks and Open Spaces 01909 534 525
Planning 01909 533 491
Recycling, Refuse & Bulky Waste 01909 534 501
Sports Development 01909 534 523
Street Cleansing 01909 534 501
Switchboard and General (9.00am - 5.00pm Monday - Friday) 01909 533 533


Last Updated on Friday, August 2, 2024