News on the Bassetlaw Local Plan and CIL examination

Here we will post updates on the Local Plan and CIL examination process

Latest Updates


The Council published the Inspector’s Report for the Bassetlaw Local Plan 2020-2038 and the Examiner’s Recommendations for the CIL Charging Schedule 2024 on the 8 March 2024.


Main Modifications Consultation Representations and Council Response

The consultation on the Main Modifications, Additional 'Minor' Modifications and Recommended Policies Map Modifications ended on the 3 October 2023. The representations received, and the Council response are now available to view on the in the Examination Library under document reference BDC-52.


CIL – Responses to Examiner's MIQs 

Hearing statements have now been received in response to the Examiner’s Matters, Issues and Questions (MIQs). These can be found in the CIL Examination Library.


Consultation on Main Modifications

The Council launched the consultation on the Main Modifications on Friday 11 August 2023. But it has come to our attention that the ESB mass emailing system, that we use supplied by a third party, has not delivered all email notifications. To ensure all those who would like to make representations are able to do so the consultation will now run from 22 August 2023 to 5pm 3 October 2023. Details have been sent to all relevant parties. More details on the consultation can be found on the Bassetlaw Local Plan 2020-2038: Main Modifications page of the Council website.


Consultation on Main Modifications

The Council launched the consultation on the Main Modifications on Friday 11 August 2023. Details were sent to all relevant parties. More details on the consultation can be found on the  Bassetlaw Local Plan 2020-2038: Main Modifications page of the Council website.


Post-hearings Letter response

The Council have now issued a formal response to the inspectors’ Post-hearings Letter. The letter can be found in the Examination Library as BDC-51.


CIL - Response to Examiner's initial questions

The Council has now issued a response to the Examiner’s initial questions. The response and associated documents, can be found in the CIL Examination Library.

CIL - Examiner's MIQs 

The Examiner has now issued her Matters, Issues and Questions (MIQs) for the examination, as well as Briefing Notes. These can be found in the CIL Examination Library as CIL-INS-02 and CIL-INS-03.


CIL – initial letter

The Examiner has now issued a letter with initial questions for the Council. The letter can be found in the CIL Examination Library as CIL-INS-01.


Post-hearings Letter

The Inspectors have now issued a Post-hearings Letter for the Council. The note can be found in the Examination Library as INS-10.


Post-hearings Note

The Inspectors have now issued a Post-hearings Note for the Council. The note can be found in the Examination Library as INS-09.


Matter 14 - Agenda

The Inspectors have now issued an agenda for Matter 14 for discussion on Tuesday 24 January. The agenda can be found in the ‘Hearings Sessions’ section of the Main Examination page.


Matter 13 - Agenda

The Inspectors have now issued an agenda for Matter 13 for discussion on Tuesday 24 January. The agenda can be found in the ‘Hearings Sessions’ section of the Main Examination page. The agenda for Matter 14 will follow in due course. 


Changes to Hearings Programme

The hearing session for Matter 13 (Transport and Connectivity) and Matter 14 (Infrastructure and Delivery, and Monitoring) has been rescheduled to Tuesday 24 January 2023. An agenda for this day will be published nearer the time. The Inspectors have now issued a further updated version of the hearings programme for the examination. This can be found in the Examination Library as INS-08.


Addition to Hearings Programme

There will be an additional hearing session on Thursday 12 January 2023. The inspector has a few more questions on Gypsies and Travellers (Matter 8) to be discussed at a virtual session via Teams. This session will commence at 2pm. Please contact the Programme Officer if you wish to observe this session.


Changes to Hearings Programme

The session on Tuesday 10 January 2023 for Matter 13 (Transport and Connectivity) and Matter 14 (Infrastructure and Delivery, and Monitoring) has been cancelled. The hearing will be rescheduled and details published here in due course.


Final Hearings Programme - updated

The Inspectors have now issued an updated version of the Final hearings programme for the examination. This can be found in the Examination Library as INS-06.


Changes to Hearings Programme

There will be no face to face session on Tuesday 13 December. Matter 12 (Greening Bassetlaw) will be discussed at a virtual session via Teams. This session will commence at 10am.


Changes to Hearings Programme

In light of further transport work, it has been decided that Matter 13 (Transport and Connectivity) and Matter 14 (Infrastructure and Delivery, and Monitoring) will be moved to Tuesday 10 January 2023 with Wednesday 11 January as a reserve/catchup day. 


Hearings Agendas

The inspectors have issued agendas for Week 1, for Matters 1 – 5. There will be no separate agendas for Matters 6 - 9, the inspectors will use their MIQs. Agendas for week 3 will be issued in due course.

The agendas can be found in the ‘Hearings Sessions’ section of the Main Examination page.


Final Hearings Programme

The Inspectors have now issued their Final hearings programme for the examination. This can be found in the Examination Library as INS-04.


Examination Hearing Statements

Hearing statements have been received in response to the inspectors’ Matters, Issues and Questions (MIQs) for the examination. These can be found on the Examination Hearing Statements page.


Amended inspectors’ MIQs

The Inspectors have issued an amended version of their Matters, Issues and Questions (MIQs) for the examination, which includes a draft timetable for the hearings. This is to correct a minor typo and remove the discrepancy between some headings in the draft timetable and those in the main body of the MIQs. This can be found in the Examination Library as INS-02a and supersedes INS-02.


Notice of examination hearings and inspectors’ MIQs

The inspectors have published the dates for the examination hearings – please see the Public Notice of hearings for the Bassetlaw Local Plan 2020-2038.

The Inspectors have issued their Matters, Issues and Questions (MIQs) for the examination, which includes a draft timetable for the hearings. They have also produced a Guidance note for participants. These can be found in the Examination Library as INS-02 and INS-03.


Council response to initial questions

The Council have now responded to the Inspectors’ initial questions. This can be found in the Examination Library as BDC-01 and BDC-02.


Initial questions from the Inspectors

The Inspectors have issued some initial questions for the Council. These can be found in the Examination Library as INS-01.


Appointment of Inspectors for the Examinations

Anne Jordan BA(Hons) MRTPI and Alison Partington BA(Hons), MA, MRTPI have been appointed as the independent inspectors to examine the Bassetlaw Local Plan. Anne Jordan BA(Hons) MRTPI has also been appointed to examine the Bassetlaw Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Draft Charging Schedule.


Press release on the submission of the Local Plan


Submission of the Bassetlaw Local Plan

The council submitted the Bassetlaw Local Plan 2020-2038: Publication Version, Publication Version Addendum and Publication Version Second Addendum to the Secretary of State on 18 July 2022 for independent examination, in line with the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (2) - Regulation 22.


Submission of the Bassetlaw Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Draft Charging Schedule

The council has submitted the Bassetlaw Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Draft Charging Schedule to the Planning Inspectorate on 18 July 2022 for independent examination, in line with Regulation 19 of the Community Infrastructure Levy regulations 2010 (as amended)

Last Updated on Wednesday, July 3, 2024