Draft Bassetlaw Local Plan

News on the Bassetlaw Local Plan and CIL examination

Find out about the latest developments in the Bassetlaw Local Plan Examination.

Bassetlaw Local Plan 2020-2038: Main Modifications

Main Modifications for the Bassetlaw Local Plan

Bassetlaw Local Plan 2020-2038: Examination

Preparing the new Local Plan to shape how Bassetlaw develops in the future.

Bassetlaw Local Plan 2020-2038: Examination Library

View documents submitted with the Bassetlaw Local Plan and any examination documents as part of the Examination Library

Regulation 19 Consultation Responses

View consultation comments allocated during the August 2021, January 2022 and May 2022 consultations.

Examination Hearing Statements

View the submitted Hearing Statements to the Inspectors' MIQs

Timeline of the Draft Bassetlaw Local Plan

Timeline for the adoption of the Bassetlaw Local Plan.

Bassetlaw Final Hearings Programme

Find out about the Local Plan examination hearings programme.