Spatial Strategy for Bassetlaw

How much new employment and housing is being proposed for the next 17 years? 

The Local Plan will provide for 287ha of employment land which supports up to 11,236 new jobs, including better paid and higher skilled jobs for local residents. Government guidance asks us to provide enough new homes for the people expected to take these jobs. This means that Bassetlaw needs to deliver 10,013 new homes by 2037.

How will the Local Plan meet the needs of local people? 

The Local Plan will help make sure our residents, in particular our younger people, have access to affordable housing. The draft Local Plan proposes that for housing developments of 10 homes and above, up to 20% will be affordable. This could include affordable homes for rent and managed by Registered Providers and other homes to buy at less than market prices e.g. through shared ownership.

Self-build plots for those wanting to build their own home are provided.

It is also vital the Plan meets the needs of our growing, older population. This could include bungalows, sheltered housing, wheelchair accessible homes and extra care accommodation. The draft Local Plan proposes that for housing developments of 50 homes or more, 20% will be designed to be accessible for older people.  

The draft Local Plan supports new jobs and businesses, so that Bassetlaw is an attractive place to work and invest in.  It aims to provide enough infrastructure to support future growth – e.g. new schools, health facilities, sports facilities and roads.

How are you going to provide/support more jobs? 

The Local Plan will make sure that the right amount of employment land is provided in the right places to support up to 11,236 jobs. It identifies land that will be attractive to a range of businesses that will attract growth sectors such as in modern methods of construction and renewable energy. This will bring more, better paid jobs to the District.

The Local Plan asks developers to provide an Employment and Skills Plan. This means that during construction of new development and then once the business is up and running jobs and training opportunities will need to be made available to local residents.

Why does development need to take place on greenfield sites? Why can’t it take place in towns or on brownfield sites? 

The Local Plan identifies a number of brownfield sites for development and regeneration in towns or previously used for industry.  However, there are not enough suitable, available brownfield sites to meet the housing and employment growth across the District. So some greenfield sites are needed.  

Why does the Local Plan include a new garden village? 

National planning policy states that planning for large numbers of new homes can often be best achieved through planning for a new settlement provided these are well located and designed, and supported by the necessary infrastructure and facilities.

In the long term, the Council needs to look at areas beyond existing towns and villages if we are to be able to deliver all the homes, jobs and infrastructure that people in the District need. A new Garden Village provides an opportunity to deliver a sustainable development, supported by appropriate infrastructure.

A significant advantage of a new settlement is that the infrastructure required e.g. a school, health facilities, open space and new roads – can be planned and funded as part of the development as a whole.

Is the plan being shaped by developers? 

The Local Plan is being shaped by a number of groups. This includes developers, but local communities, local interest groups, neighbouring councils, statutory consultees (such as the Environment Agency and Highways England), infrastructure partners and local businesses all play an important role in shaping the content of the Local Plan.

Last Updated on Thursday, September 2, 2021