Delivering Economic Prosperity

How much new employment and housing is being proposed for the next 17 years? 

The Local Plan will provide for 287ha of employment land which supports up to 11,236 new jobs, including better paid and higher skilled jobs for local residents. Government guidance asks us to provide enough new homes for the people expected to take these jobs. This means that Bassetlaw needs to deliver 10,013 new homes by 2037.

Why do we need so much land for economic development? 

As with housing, national planning policy asks that we meet our need for economic development. The Local Plan does this through providing land for new businesses moving into Bassetlaw and enabling existing businesses to grow.  The amount of land reflects locations with planning permission for economic growth and those that will help Bassetlaw attract development in important growth sectors e.g. digital industries, modern methods of construction, renewable technologies, which can bring better paid, higher skilled jobs to benefit our residents.  

The calculation for the employment requirement is set out in the Council's Housing and Economic Needs Assessment Update (2020) which has been prepared as evidence base for the Local Plan and is available on the Council's website.

How are you going to provide/support more jobs?

The Local Plan will make sure that the right amount of employment land is provided in the right places to support up to 11,236 jobs. It identifies land that will be attractive to a range of businesses that will attract growth sectors such as in modern methods of construction and renewable energy. This will bring more, better paid jobs to the District.

The Local Plan asks developers to provide an Employment and Skills Plan. This means that during construction of new development and then once the business is up and running jobs and training opportunities will need to be made available to local residents.

Last Updated on Wednesday, March 6, 2024