High hedges - Complaint procedure explained

A procedure for dealing with complaints about high hedges is in force.

It applies to evergreen hedges over two metres tall, which act as a barrier to light or access and adversely affect reasonable enjoyment of domestic property or gardens.

Complainants must be able to show that they have taken all reasonable steps to resolve the problem by negotiation before they approach the Council.

If the complaint is upheld, the council will be able to serve a notice on the owner of the hedge outlining the action to be taken and by when. This notice cannot require the reduction of the hedge to less than two metres, or its complete removal.

There is a right of appeal against a notice but if it is not complied with, there could be a fine of up to £1000 and further action may be taken to ensure the work is done and costs are recovered.

Please note any complaint forms submitted will attract a fee of £510.00.

For further information on hedge issues go to Communities and Local Government (external link).

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Last Updated on Monday, September 30, 2024