Voices of Bassetlaw

Voices of Bassetlaw are a fully inclusive residents group open to all Bassetlaw Council tenants and leaseholders.

We will actively encourage ALL Bassetlaw tenants and residents to have their voices heard and give you the forum to do this.

Members of the group come together as a collective voice. Their remit is to influence service improvements by reviewing housing policy and scrutinising housing services.

Making a difference within their homes and neighbourhoods, co-designing and co-creating services for local people with local people.

Members of the group represent the views and ideas of their community and neighbours about their homes and neighbourhoods during monthly meetings.

Members also support Tenant and Resident Associations and assist and support new community groups in terms of fundraising and creating activities and events for local residents.

Voices of Bassetlaw Members 

  • Chairperson – Veronica Shaw
  • Vice Chair – Stan Davies
  • Secretary – Andrea Mackenzie
  • Treasurer – Phillip Wareham
  • Training member – Nina Thiedeman

The Council has partnered with the Social Housing Tenant Experts, TPAS, to give Voices of Bassetlaw members access to an extensive training and knowledge resource centre. The training is delivered primarily via zoom and gives members knowledge about how social housing operates and insight into social housing policy, as well as a range of transferrable skills to help with future employment or higher education.

Our meetings are open to all and are fully accessible. Voices of Bassetlaw can help you get to in-person meetings by:

  • Funding and arranging transport
  • Reimbursing childcare costs
  • Hosting meetings in accessible locations for tenants with disabilities or mobility difficulties

We encourage everyone to get involved Help us to influence service changes in your home and community

To find out more contact:

Bassetlaw District Council Tenant and Resident Engagement Officers:

Veronica Shaw – Tenant Chair of Voices of Bassetlaw

Last Updated on Thursday, July 18, 2024