Housing Liaison Group

The Housing Liaison Group is Chaired by the Cabinet Member for Housing, Cllr Steve Scotthorne and in addition to the tenant members, Nina Thiedeman, Roy Coombes Stan Davis and includes Cllr Claire Plevin, Cllr Lynne Schuller, Cllr Josie Potts, Cllr Michael Quigley and Cllr Hazel Brand.

Role of the group

  • To provide a regular method of consultation and engagement between the Council and its tenants
  • To help maintain and improve housing services
  • To relay information back to tenants through the Bassetlaw Tenants Forum and to maintain good relations between the Council and its tenants
  • As such the Housing Liaison Group is not a decision-making body
  • The group will challenge the organisation in terms of meeting Consumer Standards and the principles of the Social Housing White Paper.


  • The Housing Liaison Group will be Chaired by the Cabinet Member for Housing and will consist of six councillors representing the Council’s main political parties, as well as three tenant members
  • All of the members of the group, apart from the Cabinet Member for Housing, will be appointed on an annual basis and can be re-appointed to that position for a maximum of four years.

What will the group do?

  • It will provide consultation on matters that directly affect tenants and residents, for example; the ongoing maintenance and management of Council Houses and the services that are provided to tenants by the Council
  • Monitor how the housing service is performing and look at issues that have been highlighted by the Bassetlaw Tenants Forum, Service Review Groups, Mystery Shoppers  and the Voices of Bassetlaw Tenant and Resident Group
  • Identify areas for the Service Review Group to look into so that improvements to services such as repairs, allocations, tenant engagement and customer care
  • It will champion the new Consumer Standards to embed the principles of resident influence and impact.
  • It will report back to tenant groups where their actions and recommendations have led to service improvements.
  • It will be proactive in identifying resources to ensure all residents have an opportunity to have their voices heard.


The next Housing Liaison Group meeting will take place on 17th June 2024, 10am - 12pm in the Ceres Suite at Worksop Town Hall. 

Last Updated on Monday, April 15, 2024