Chair of the Council 2024 - 2025

The civic head is the Chair of the Council who was elected at the Council's Annual General Meeting and will hold office for one year.

This year's Chair is Councillor Sue Shaw.

This year's Vice-Chair is Councillor Tony Eaton BCA.

Biography for Councillor Sue Shaw

Chair of the Council, Councillor Sue Shaw speaking at the AGM

Cllr Sue Shaw was elected as Chair of Bassetlaw District Council for the municipal year 2024/25 at the Council’s AGM on 15th May 2024.

Sue lives with her husband in Retford, where she has been a resident for over 40 years. She has two sons who currently live in London, the eldest working as a producer, the youngest an actor, and has three young grandchildren.

Sue worked for Nottinghamshire County Council for many years as a youth worker, coming to the local authority as graduate.

Her career has had a particular focus on the health of young people, working on projects such as writing Nottinghamshire’s first teenage pregnancy strategy. She has also worked closely with partners to promote campaigns on issues such as sexual heath, drug and alcohol misuse and mental health support services for young people. She pioneered the first collaboration between social care and the youth service to engage with children and young people adopted, fostered and care leavers.  

A former Cabinet Member and Charter Mayor of Retford, Cllr Shaw continues to support young people through her role as Chair of local charity, Focus on Young People in Bassetlaw (FoYPIB).

Cllr Sue Shaw said: 

“It is a great privilege to be able to serve as an elected district councillor for Retford East, and I remain committed to supporting local residents in my ward.

“I am extremely honoured to take on the role of Chair of the District Council and I look forward to meeting people from across all corners of Bassetlaw and representing the Council at Civic events across the County and wider region.

“As well as the ceremonial role, the Council Chair has to make sure that the business at Council meetings runs smoothly, that members can engage in respectful debate and that order is maintained.

“My first memory of democracy was as a small child when I went hand in hand with my father to the ballot booth at an election. He told me that I must always vote when I grew up, as that way ‘you always have a voice about the things that matter’.

“Throughout my career as a youth worker I have always encouraged young people to vote and understand the democratic process and this year I hope to encourage more people to attend Council meetings and find out more about how their Council works.

"Over my term of office, I pledge to undertake the role to the best of my ability, endeavour to bring gravitas to the position of Chair and do my upmost to support the residents of Bassetlaw as best I can.”

Invitations to the Chair

The Chair, or the Vice-Chair, will attend most events within the District, time permitting.

The Chair welcomes invitations to attend events in the District. The Chair likes to be well briefed about any function to be attended, therefore it is best that you provide as much information as possible.


  1. Within the District, the Chair has precedence, subject to Her Majesty’s Royal prerogative.
  2. This means that when attending functions in the District, the Chair is the most important guest, except when Members of the Royal Family or the Lord Lieutenant are present.
  3. There is one exception to this rule. If the event is taking place within a County Council establishment, the Chair of the County Council takes precedence over the Chair of the District Council.
  4. When the Vice-Chair of the Council is deputising for the Chair, the same precedence rule applies.

Chair's Arrival

The Chair of the Council should be met and officially welcomed at a function by a responsible person and escorted to their correct position. The Chair should always sit on the right-hand side of the host as the appropriate place of honour. The Chair’s Escort should be placed immediately to the left of the Chair at a meeting or dinner.


If the Chair is required to make a speech or reply to a toast, it would be greatly appreciated if as much information as possible could be submitted in advance of the event, such as information about the body organising the event and any words of welcome and thanks which should be included.

Last Updated on Monday, August 12, 2024