Rural England Prosperity Fund Case Studies

Clarborough and Welham Parish Council

New footpath - Clarborough & Welham

Project: New Footpath | REPF grant: £14,050

Clarborough residents are benefitting from a new all-weather path running through the Parish Pasture off Broad Gores.

Made from granite chippings, it’s replaced the previous narrow path which was overgrown in places and deteriorating.

Paul Willcock, Vice Chairman of the Clarborough and Welham Parish Council said:

“I had a vision of what this footpath should look like; thanks to the Rural England Prosperity Fund for making it possible.

“It means there are now 365 days access between the two sides of Clarborough for all residents and visitors, no matter what their mobility concerns may be.  

 “The footpath also provides better access for longer walks to Welham, Hayton and the Chesterfield Canal SSSI”.

The new path stretches over two hundred metres across the pasture and, as well as improving accessibility for residents, it links two sections of the village, and gives an alternative route avoiding the main road.

Cllr Julie Leigh, Cabinet Member for Identity and Place said:

 “Thanks to the Parish Council for all their work making this happen. This new footpath is exactly the type of scheme the Rural England Prosperity Fund is all about - supporting improvements to communities in rural locations”. 

Completion date: February 2024.

Last Updated on Friday, March 22, 2024