Levelling Up Worksop

Bassetlaw District Council has had its bid for funding from the Second Round of the Levelling Up Fund approved by the government.

Almost £18million has been agreed to help improve Worksop Town Centre.

The £17,968,565 bid for Worksop Town Centre will initially focus on the redevelopment of the Priory Centre including the creation of a new family-focused leisure facility with activities such as tenpin bowling, indoor soft play, a trampoline park and a café. The scheme will look to retain existing occupiers and bring in new tenants for empty units. The works will also create a new towpath link along the Chesterfield Canal, improve a green corridor through the town centre, and bring two sites forward for the development of new apartments and town houses.

The Levelling Up Fund is designed to invest in infrastructure that improves everyday life across the UK. The £4.8 billion fund will support town centre and high street regeneration, local transport projects, and cultural and heritage assets.

Levelling Up Fund round 2 application form

Last Updated on Wednesday, July 10, 2024