Site allocations frequently asked questions (FAQ's) - Section 3

Q. What will happen to development boundaries (settlement envelopes)?

A. The Proposals Map, which accompanied the Core Strategy, set out the development boundaries for each settlement that may receive allocated sites. The Council will publish a Revised Proposals Map as part of the Site Allocations document, which will set out new development boundaries that have been re-drawn around any new allocated sites.

Q. What is the timetable for the Site Allocations DPD?

A. In brief, community consultation on the Site Allocations Issues & Options document will take place in November 2011. A further consultation on the ‘Preferred Options’ will take place in Summer 2012 with Submission of the final document to the Secretary of State in late 2012. It is anticipated that the document will be adopted by the Council in Spring 2013. We will keep you informed of any changes to these dates via the Council’s website.

Q. Why are you consulting again when we already completed resident questionnaires?

A. The resident questionnaires were carried out to find out about local residents’ views on possible future development in their locality, in order to provide the Council with an initial steer on the approach it should be outlining in the Issues & Options document. A Summary of the Questionnaire Responses has been published on the Council’s website and will be taken into consideration throughout the Site Allocation process.

Q. Will there be opportunities for future public involvement?

A. Yes. In addition to the Issues & Options consultation, there will be at least one other formal public consultation period before the Site Allocations document is submitted to the Government for public examination. In addition, the Planning Policy team is always very happy to speak with anyone about the process in general or sites in particular.



Last Updated on Thursday, February 23, 2023