Bassetlaw District Council is urging residents to head to the polls on 2 May and have their say.
British, Commonwealth and European Union citizens living in Bassetlaw are eligible to vote in elections for a new East Midlands Mayor and a Police and Crime Commissioner for Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.
If you are registered to vote and have applied for a postal vote, make sure you post the completed pack to us before 2 May. You can also drop off completed postal vote packs at your local polling station on 2 May if you don’t post in time. When handing in postal votes at a polling station, you will need to complete a form.
If you are registered to vote but have not applied for a postal vote, you will receive a poll card in the post and you will need to go to your local polling station to vote.
Polling stations are open from 7am to 10pm on polling day (Thursday 2 May).
Details of your polling station are available online and will also be on your poll card. Your polling station might have changed since the last elections so make sure to check your poll card for the correct information.
You do not need to take your poll card with you, but it will speed things up at the polling station if you do.
You will need to bring an accepted form of photo ID to vote.
Pencils will be provided, but you are welcome to bring your own pen or pencil to use. Once the polls close at 10pm, all the ballot boxes will be taken to North Notts Community Arena, where the votes will be verified before being counted on Friday.
If you’re not able to get down to a polling station to vote, or can’t send a postal vote, you can nominate someone else to vote on your behalf – this is called a proxy vote. Details of how to do this are available on www.gov.uk/apply-proxy-vote. You’ll need to have nominated a proxy by 5pm on Wednesday 24 April.
David Armiger, Electoral Registration Officer for Bassetlaw said:
“Your vote matters and on 2 May, residents across Bassetlaw can have their say in electing the first East Midlands Mayor as well as a Police and Crime Commissioner for Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. If you have a postal vote please post it back in good time and if you are voting at a polling station, please make sure you bring your photo ID.”
For further information on elections visit www.bassetlaw.gov.uk/elections.
Last Updated on Wednesday, May 29, 2024