Garden Waste Terms and Conditions 2024

  1. You have agreed to pay Bassetlaw District Council to collect garden waste that has been placed in a brown wheeled bin, which shows the required annual licence sticker. The period of collection runs from Feb/March 2024 to November 2024 on a fortnightly collection.

  2. If you decide to purchase the subscription for this service past 31.01.2024 you will not receive your licence sticker in time for the service to commence in March. If you decide to purchase the subscription for this service part way through the year, the cost for the period will still be full charge of £36 for the collection of one standard bin and the same for every other additional bin.

  3. If you move out of the collection areas or stop using the service for any reason, no refund will be given.

  4. All garden waste bins belong to Bassetlaw District Council. If you wish to be removed from the Garden Waste Collection Scheme, please tell us by e-mailing or telephone 01909 534524 and we will collect the brown bin. Failure to allow the Council to retrieve the bin following withdrawal or non-renewal from the service will result in a charge of £36 being invoiced to cover the cost of the bin and associated administration.

  5. Brown Bins will be emptied every other week (except where factors such as bad weather stop us). We will not give refunds for missing a bin or being unable to collect a bin.

  6. Bins must be placed outside the boundary of your property by 6.00am on the day of collection unless otherwise agreed with Bassetlaw District Council. Bins will be returned to this point after emptying. If the brown bin is not out for collection when we arrive, we will not return to empty the bins until the next scheduled collection day and no refund will be given.

  7. Missed bins will only be collected if it is the fault of Bassetlaw District Council. Returns to empty bins that have been put out late will not take place. All bins should be out for collection by 6.00am on the morning of collection. Please report missed bins within 48 hours.

  8. Garden Waste will only be collected in bins provided by Bassetlaw District Council and showing the correct licence sticker.

  9. If the bin contains the wrong materials (items other than compostable garden waste) we will not empty the bin and expect the incorrect items to be removed. We will not return until the next scheduled collection and will only empty the bin if it contains acceptable materials. Recurrent contamination may result in the bin and service being removed, and for this there will be no refund.

  10. The Garden Waste licence is only valid for the property it was originally purchased for. It is not automatically transferrable. We cannot offer a refund if you move outside the district or to a property where you no longer require the garden waste service, or the service is unavailable. However, you may leave your licence for the new occupants if there is any term remaining. If you are moving within Bassetlaw to a property where the service is available, then we may be able to agree a transfer. Please contact to see if this could be arranged.

  11. A licence sticker must be visible on the garden waste bin for collection to take place.
    Ensure that the licence sticker is facing the road and visible for the bin crew to collect. If the sticker does not have your address on it, then the bin will not be emptied. Please try to remove any past licence stickers from previous seasons.


  12. Brown bins remain the property of Bassetlaw District Council however you are responsible for the care of the bin allocated to you. If your bin is lost or stolen, you may be charged for a replacement.

  13. Payment is required in advance of the garden waste service operating. You will be notified of the charge amount and payment date each subsequent year. New subscribers to the scheme may need to wait a maximum of 28 days after subscription is paid for delivery of the bin and collections to commence.

  14. If payment is not received for the service for the subsequent year, then the Council will require the bin to be made available for collection. Failure to allow the Council to retrieve the bin following withdrawal or non-renewal from the service will result in a charge of £36 being invoiced to cover the cost of the bin and associated administration.

  15. If there is evidence of misuse of the service or the brown bins by the resident, then the service may be cancelled, and bins will be removed, and no refund will be given.

  16. Lids of bins containing garden waste must be fully closed. The Council reserves the right not to empty bins when the lids are not fully closed as this may cause damage to the lids whilst being mechanically emptied. If your bin has been refused as per our flat lid policy the bin will not be emptied until your next collection is due.

  17. Bins should be removed from the public highway (including associated pavements/footways/verges etc.) as soon as possible after collection.

  18. Garden waste should be placed loose in the garden waste bin. Garden waste includes grass cuttings, tree and hedge clippings, weeds (excluding controlled weeds such as Giant Hogweed and Japanese Knotweed), leaves, twigs, dead flowers. This does not include large branches, turf, earth, soil, stones, gravel etc. Garden waste must not be placed in plastic bags.

  19. You may cancel your subscription at any time during the subscription period. There will be no refunds if leaving part way through the year.

  20. If materials in the bin are compacted too much, it may result in waste being stuck or the bin being too heavy. If this is the case, then the bin will not be emptied (weight limit is 96 kg). You will be notified of the issue and will need to loosen or remove some of the waste to reduce the weight - the bin will not be emptied until your next collection is due. It is your responsibility to sort the contents of the bin. No refunds will be given.

  21. The Council reserves the right to change your collection day subject to providing you with written notification. The council will make every effort to maintain collections during adverse weather conditions. However, the council reserves the right to suspend or delay collections without refund in exceptional circumstances.

  22. On Bank Holidays (other than Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day, when the service is suspended for the winter) your garden waste will be collected as normal.

  23. The Council reserves the right to vary the charge for the service. You will be notified of any price increase at least 14 days prior to any payment being due. You will have the option of continuing with your subscription or withdrawing from the service at this time. If you choose not to renew your subscription you should contact 01909534524 for the bin to be removed.

  24. The Garden Waste Collection Service is for DOMESTIC household collections only. If you are a business and require your trade waste to be removed, please contact our Environment Services Department on 01909 534501.

  25. Data Protection and Privacy Notice
    Bassetlaw District Council take your privacy seriously and the information you have provided to us will be used to administrate the garden waste service, including contacting you in relation to future years’ subscription renewals. The information will not be shared with any third party for marketing purposes. Bassetlaw District Council is a registered data controller and is required to process your data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations 2016 and Data Protection Act 2018. For more information visit

    For more information on the Garden Waste Collection Service visit our website.

Last Updated on Tuesday, September 10, 2024